All I Want Is You

This song has a memory connection for me, since the first time I heard it was on the in-flight entertainment when I went to France. I didn’t actually know the original version of it, but I did like the cover.

I was thinking about Just a Whim and how much wants have to do with the story and what Thyme finally realizes she wants, and this song was playing. It all connected, though the song doesn’t fit as much as some of the others have.

The sections with the wants or the offers, like this one:

You say you’ll give me
A highway with no one on it
Treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night

Whim is capable of granting all of them, so that fits.

This little bit, too:

You say you want
Your story to remain untold

That has a bit of a double meaning in the story.

All the promises that we made from the cradle to the grave when all I want is you…

Kabobbles Sing Along is just what I think when I hear songs. I sometimes see images when I hear lyrics, pictures or movies in my head. Sometimes I relate it to stories. My interpretation of the songs and lyrics are probably nothing like their original intent.

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